DeFiWars: the story of Thoros and Jasper.
The value of friendship is trust. Peaceful coexistence in a faraway land, such friendship as unheard before, between THOROS and JASPER. They would eat, work, fight and walk together. THOROS was the extrovert, while JASPER was reserved. The difference in their personalities is one surprising mystery to the JEDI system’s inhabitants, especially when relating to their friendship. Both are well-respected warriors who in their group have performed valiantly.
It is the end of a war that made their system the strongest of them all, but it remains the last mission: to retrieve the stolen artifact of LIFE which gives huge prosperity into the galaxy in which it resides. The Duo’s (THOROS and JASPER) group, being the strongest, has been summoned to perform this covert operation.
The journey of a stealthy mission began as the friends were sent into DARTH system’s temple to retrieve the artifact. As they journey on, JASPER’s attention was drawn to the impoverished DARTH system where the stolen LIFE’s artifact had been kept with the tightest security measures.
Their highest bravery made it quite easy to evade DARTH system’s security and reach the temple unnoticed. The temple had no guards! It was believed that the artifact was powerful enough to turn anyone who wishes to steal it against themselves which is why the dying JEDI’s system leader thought it wise to send the two best warriors who were inseparable.
In the temple, with a beauty comparable to that of Venus, was the young priestess MIRA, who tended to the artifact. JASPER’s heart was easily caught as he fell immediately in love with the muse he beheld. He persuaded THOROS to spare the priestess, bringing the argument that the artifact was useless without her magical presence. But, a sharp disagreement soon erupted into battles between the two warriors. The battle soon ended as THOROS was mortally wounded by DARTH system’s warriors who came afterwards. The artifact finally found its way to JEDI’s system, and its people enthroned THOROS as their new leader.
Believing JASPER had died in the mission, JEDI’s system prospered and enjoyed peace for more than a decade.
Things soon turned south as JEDI’s system was ravaged and repossessed by DARTH’ system’s warriors who stole back the artifact of LIFE which was taken from them by THOROS. Led by a gruesome warrior named DARJAS, THOROS got to know that his old friend ‘JASPER’ was actually DARJAS. He had been tended to by MILANA who later became JASPER’s wife and Queen of their people.
JASPER’s skills made him DARTH system’s leader. He had ridden himself off his old identity, now filled with rage, he seeks revenge from his former fellowmen — now, JEDI system’s elders and leader (THOROS) — for he was stabbed in the back.
THOROS’ name too had changed into JETHOR as his leadership prospered and penetrated people’s hearts.
Since that moment, JEDI and DARTH systems have been fighting an infinite number of battles between them; they even signed a SWET (Scheduled Warfare Engagement Treaty), establishing periodic and sequential battles with different duration, allowing differential momentum during long periods (typically, a 360-day Scheduled Warfare would yield the higher winnings for both parties) and power balance to benefit the party which gathered the highest number of warriors and skills; thus, each system organizes its own strategies and allocates resources as they are needed, pouring all efforts towards collectively-decided battles, happening continuously between both systems to gain power over the Artifact of LIFE, which brings prosperity to the few who are able to be within a short range from it (that is why both, JEDI and DARTH systems have a publicly accessible LIFE temple).
Nonetheless, both systems discovered that they could build a deathly weapon to put an end to any battle that endures for at least 30 days. This weapon has to be built collectively, putting different pieces into place in a puzzle-like construction. The first side who is able to complete the challenge, ultimately wins the current battle. That weapon is called a “BOMB”.
With this in mind, you have been summoned from far beyond DWARF’s galaxy to turn the tables upside down; first, you must choose a side to support and pitch-in as many battles as you deem necessary to re-establish the galaxy’s own balance, and bring prosperity to the people via the artifact of LIFE.
The Scheduled Warfares will begin soon. Be prepared.